Sunday, September 30, 2012

Musical Opportunities 101

Time for an update!

So I am now a treasurer, a senator, and I am the soon-to-be founding father of an acappella group. So many things in 1 week? Hell yes.

I went to a Hillel meeting 2 Wednesdays ago and they said at the meeting that they needed a treasurer. I said I was interested. They said good. I went to the next meeting and there was an "emergency election" and I was voted in as treasurer of the club (making me an e-board* member!). Being a senator of the student government comes with the territory of being the treasurer of a club. So that's how THAT happened.

Now for the acappella group. I was sitting in our night club on campus watching a performance of one of 3 of our schools' acappella groups. We have 1 male, 1 female, and 1 mixed group. We also have a vocal jazz group. Why in the world would we need another? Well, we need another because not everyone fits the mold. That's not a bad thing, but it's the truth. Each group has an image, and there are people who want to have that opportunity that don't necessarily fit that image. Not only that, we are going to be different in that we are not limiting ourselves to pop songs - we will also take on small choral arrangements and other genres of music not normally touched by modern day acappella groups. Our image is that we break the mold. I believe that people should be themselves, and if they don't fit a mold that's fine, but they shouldn't be limited to the activities they can do because of it. Things may change, but this is how I see things right now. This is my concept and this is where I'm at right now. I'll be holding auditions within the next 2 weeks or so, and we may very well have a new group on our hands!

That's it for now. I'm going home this upcoming weekend and I'm really excited to see my girlfriend and to take a break from academia for a little while.


Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Been A Month...

It's been about a month since my last post, so I figured now would be a great time for a quick update!

Classes - I dropped lifeguarding and am now taking community chorus in its place... music is where its at! (I would have stayed in lifeguarding but there were extenuating circumstances)

Clubs - Can't go to video game club anymore because it meets at the same time as the community chorus... sometimes you have to give things up for more important things.

Life in general - Things have been rough lately, but as always my load is lightening and life is becoming less difficult. I have rehearsal for my friend Dan's ensemble, which I'm performing in. He created this ensemble for his audition to graduate school. I am sure he will get in just about anywhere he wants... he is a very talented musician.

That's about it for now... especially because I'm hungry and the dining courts are calling to me! (SO GLAD WE HAVE THE #1 RATED FOOD SERVICES IN THE SUNY SYSTEM). Yeah. That happened.

Peace out, cub scouts.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A wise man once said, "FIVE MORE MINUTES?!? BUT MOM..." This wise man obviously wasn't a college student.

In a week from today I will be back in class starting my sophomore year... an exciting time in the life of a young student. You are young enough to know how everything works, but not old enough to have to start worrying about what you are going to do AFTER college...(yet). So, I leave on Saturday morning, arrive Saturday afternoon, and then I'm off into the world of education.

My semester will consist of MANY activities, so I am hoping I will be able to do everything. I'm going to be taking rock climbing, lifeguarding, human sexuality, child development, men's ensemble, chorus, and 2 voice classes for non majors. On top of that I am in an outside choir, auditioning for an acappella group, doing some clubs, and auditioning for the Crane School of Music.

One would think that by my sophomore year I would have at least gotten into the school I want to go to... and if not transfer somewhere else or GIVE UP, right? Well, let me tell you now that's just not how things work in my life. I was rejected from this school once, but I am determined to go back in there and really show them what I've got. I'm passionate about education and I need to become a teacher. The only school that I want a degree from is Crane. So, I will keep trying until they accept me or cut me off from trying anymore.

I started this post 2 or 3 days ago and never finished it... Things have been difficult and some things came up. My uncle passed away last night and we gave away one of my cats today, with another going tomorrow. I probably won't post for a while.... maybe not until I get to school this weekend or even after that. Thanks for reading and thank you for your support.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Is Coming To A Close

So for the past six weeks I had this job as a camp counselor. It was a lot of fun, but simultaneously exhausting. I am happy that it is now over, but I am also happy that I had the experience.

What else has happened this summer?

Well, I bought a Playstation Plus membership, so I've been playing a lot of Infamous 2 (a game that you get for free with a subscription). I also have been trying to spend as much time with my girlfriend as possible before I leave for school again and I have been catching up on some musical things (for instance: I performed most of Faure's Requiem yesterday after learning it in 3 days).


Well, with my job I didn't have much time for anything other than focusing on my job and sleeping. I haven't even had time to keep up with my social life... it's actually kind of sad. But, fear not. I am back from endless hours of travel and ready to keep up my blog up-to-date.

Did I mention I still have phlebitis? Yeah. It's still there. My vein is still inflamed. It doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon either. So much for ever wanting to wear my watch again... or any other type of bracelet.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wisdom Teeth... Maybe The Oral Surgeon Needs Them More Than I Do.

Well hello, my readers! Today is Sunday, just in case you are too hungover to realize.

Last night/this morning I went out and saw Rocky Horror for the first time. It was definitely an interesting experience... I don't know of any other time where it's appropriate to yell things and throw things at people that are performing on stage. 

Anyway, on to the juicy stuff happening in the life of Cory. 

About a month ago I got my wisdom teeth removed (like most normal people have done... curse those with perfect teeth!) and I was put under with an iv... I'm not sure what was in it, but it put me out within 10 seconds. So at first they put it in my left arm and it didn't work. Now, one would think that if they couldn't put it in one arm, they would put it in the other, but some people just don't think the same way as most people do. So they ended up putting it in my hand. Ouch. 

Okay. I am quite a small person... only 5'3". I am just generally small... meaning my veins are too. When they put the iv in my hand, they conveniently didn't tell me I was at a higher risk to contract phlebitis... ACTUALLY, they didn't ask me or my dad (who was in the waiting room at the time) if they should put it in my hand. So, go figure, I got phlebitis.

Now, for those of you that don't know, phlebitis is inflammation in your vein (phleb = vein, -itis = inflammation). It's pretty painful. BUT, to top it off, if you get phlebitis in a deep vein (like in your thighs or upper arm/under arm) you can DIE. I was not very pleased to hear this information. 

My case doesn't seem that bad, and it doesn't look like I'm in any danger, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better and it also seems to be spreading. It only affects the vein that the iv was in, but that vein is showing through my skin on my hand and upper wrist. This has also caused me to miss a day and 1/2 of work. Basically, it sucks. A lot. I just want it to get better already and I don't want it to spread to a place which we will affectionately name a "danger zone." 

I mean, my life isn't bad, I'm not comparing myself to anyone else because I know I have it pretty good, but it would be nice to not be in pain so often (because of a situation that could have been easily avoided).    

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Better Than Tumblr

Hi! My name is Cory and I am here to speak my mind. I may review things, I may rant, I may even make popcorn and sit in front of my computer screen singing "Old Mcdonald".

Honestly I don't need all of those images and repost things that tumblr has, so I have decided to switch over to the dark side (blogger). It's not actually the dark side, but that just sounds cooler. Anyway, I think this set up is much neater, nicer, and more what I have been looking for. So, hello blogger!

I think I will start off with a little about myself. I enjoy music, theater, and games beyond what the normal person should. I also write for another blog, which you can find at this link:

I spend immense amounts of time on the internet just like every other American, but I probably am not on the same websites as a majority of them. I like Facebook, COD Elite, Serebii, Supercheats, Playfire, and a few other sites as well.

If you haven't figured this out already, I will just say it and be blunt: I am what most people would call "a nerd." A proud nerd, at that. I like my nerdiness (and apparently so does my girlfriend... who by the way is the kindest, sweetest, most well intentioned, and beautiful person I have ever met) and I think the fact that I am a nerd has gotten me pretty far in life so far.

Okay. I know I have jumped topics a lot, but I am just really excited. Trying to figure out what to say is like putting a child in a toy store and saying, "Pick one toy." You will always have the child bring you 10 different things before they decide what they want.

I will stop here for now. This is more than enough for one post that doesn't have a central topic. I'll be back soon to write my heart out...

Signing out for now,