Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wisdom Teeth... Maybe The Oral Surgeon Needs Them More Than I Do.

Well hello, my readers! Today is Sunday, just in case you are too hungover to realize.

Last night/this morning I went out and saw Rocky Horror for the first time. It was definitely an interesting experience... I don't know of any other time where it's appropriate to yell things and throw things at people that are performing on stage. 

Anyway, on to the juicy stuff happening in the life of Cory. 

About a month ago I got my wisdom teeth removed (like most normal people have done... curse those with perfect teeth!) and I was put under with an iv... I'm not sure what was in it, but it put me out within 10 seconds. So at first they put it in my left arm and it didn't work. Now, one would think that if they couldn't put it in one arm, they would put it in the other, but some people just don't think the same way as most people do. So they ended up putting it in my hand. Ouch. 

Okay. I am quite a small person... only 5'3". I am just generally small... meaning my veins are too. When they put the iv in my hand, they conveniently didn't tell me I was at a higher risk to contract phlebitis... ACTUALLY, they didn't ask me or my dad (who was in the waiting room at the time) if they should put it in my hand. So, go figure, I got phlebitis.

Now, for those of you that don't know, phlebitis is inflammation in your vein (phleb = vein, -itis = inflammation). It's pretty painful. BUT, to top it off, if you get phlebitis in a deep vein (like in your thighs or upper arm/under arm) you can DIE. I was not very pleased to hear this information. 

My case doesn't seem that bad, and it doesn't look like I'm in any danger, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better and it also seems to be spreading. It only affects the vein that the iv was in, but that vein is showing through my skin on my hand and upper wrist. This has also caused me to miss a day and 1/2 of work. Basically, it sucks. A lot. I just want it to get better already and I don't want it to spread to a place which we will affectionately name a "danger zone." 

I mean, my life isn't bad, I'm not comparing myself to anyone else because I know I have it pretty good, but it would be nice to not be in pain so often (because of a situation that could have been easily avoided).    

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