Sunday, July 15, 2012

Better Than Tumblr

Hi! My name is Cory and I am here to speak my mind. I may review things, I may rant, I may even make popcorn and sit in front of my computer screen singing "Old Mcdonald".

Honestly I don't need all of those images and repost things that tumblr has, so I have decided to switch over to the dark side (blogger). It's not actually the dark side, but that just sounds cooler. Anyway, I think this set up is much neater, nicer, and more what I have been looking for. So, hello blogger!

I think I will start off with a little about myself. I enjoy music, theater, and games beyond what the normal person should. I also write for another blog, which you can find at this link:

I spend immense amounts of time on the internet just like every other American, but I probably am not on the same websites as a majority of them. I like Facebook, COD Elite, Serebii, Supercheats, Playfire, and a few other sites as well.

If you haven't figured this out already, I will just say it and be blunt: I am what most people would call "a nerd." A proud nerd, at that. I like my nerdiness (and apparently so does my girlfriend... who by the way is the kindest, sweetest, most well intentioned, and beautiful person I have ever met) and I think the fact that I am a nerd has gotten me pretty far in life so far.

Okay. I know I have jumped topics a lot, but I am just really excited. Trying to figure out what to say is like putting a child in a toy store and saying, "Pick one toy." You will always have the child bring you 10 different things before they decide what they want.

I will stop here for now. This is more than enough for one post that doesn't have a central topic. I'll be back soon to write my heart out...

Signing out for now,

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