Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A wise man once said, "FIVE MORE MINUTES?!? BUT MOM..." This wise man obviously wasn't a college student.

In a week from today I will be back in class starting my sophomore year... an exciting time in the life of a young student. You are young enough to know how everything works, but not old enough to have to start worrying about what you are going to do AFTER college...(yet). So, I leave on Saturday morning, arrive Saturday afternoon, and then I'm off into the world of education.

My semester will consist of MANY activities, so I am hoping I will be able to do everything. I'm going to be taking rock climbing, lifeguarding, human sexuality, child development, men's ensemble, chorus, and 2 voice classes for non majors. On top of that I am in an outside choir, auditioning for an acappella group, doing some clubs, and auditioning for the Crane School of Music.

One would think that by my sophomore year I would have at least gotten into the school I want to go to... and if not transfer somewhere else or GIVE UP, right? Well, let me tell you now that's just not how things work in my life. I was rejected from this school once, but I am determined to go back in there and really show them what I've got. I'm passionate about education and I need to become a teacher. The only school that I want a degree from is Crane. So, I will keep trying until they accept me or cut me off from trying anymore.

I started this post 2 or 3 days ago and never finished it... Things have been difficult and some things came up. My uncle passed away last night and we gave away one of my cats today, with another going tomorrow. I probably won't post for a while.... maybe not until I get to school this weekend or even after that. Thanks for reading and thank you for your support.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Is Coming To A Close

So for the past six weeks I had this job as a camp counselor. It was a lot of fun, but simultaneously exhausting. I am happy that it is now over, but I am also happy that I had the experience.

What else has happened this summer?

Well, I bought a Playstation Plus membership, so I've been playing a lot of Infamous 2 (a game that you get for free with a subscription). I also have been trying to spend as much time with my girlfriend as possible before I leave for school again and I have been catching up on some musical things (for instance: I performed most of Faure's Requiem yesterday after learning it in 3 days).


Well, with my job I didn't have much time for anything other than focusing on my job and sleeping. I haven't even had time to keep up with my social life... it's actually kind of sad. But, fear not. I am back from endless hours of travel and ready to keep up my blog up-to-date.

Did I mention I still have phlebitis? Yeah. It's still there. My vein is still inflamed. It doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon either. So much for ever wanting to wear my watch again... or any other type of bracelet.